Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The fear of man bringeth a snare:but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.PROVERBS 29:25. Many seek the rulers favor;but every mans judgement comes from the Lord. So i see very clearly who controls things and where our allegiance should be directed. That was the 26th verse of Proverbs. "Yet how easy to be understood,how plain and simple,is the genuine religion of Jesus Christ,provided only that we take it inits native formjust as it is described in the Word of God! The wise Creator and Governor of the world has exactly suited it to the weak understanding and narrow capacity of humanity in its prsent state. How observable is this,both with regard to the end it purposes and the means to attain that end! THE END IN ONE WORD,SALVATION;THE MEANS TO ATTAIN IT,FAITH." The entire bible rest on these 2 words.Faith and salvation.(John Wesley)

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