Thursday, March 19, 2015


THINE HABITATION IS IN THE MIDST OF DECEIT;THROUGH DECEIT THEY REFUSE TO KNOW ME,SAITH ....THE LORD. Every cause in this world has a basis of authority.Atheism has as its authority in the belief that just because WE live we are our own gods. Islam has its koran. Others i am not so familiar with i am sure have there own.There are factions of so called christians that have there own doctrines.....there authority comes from themselves just as an atheist.One of these is the bahixchristians...i hope i spelled their name correctly,they believe we should accept all religions and we should just all get along.Wow. Hard to get along with killer religions.(Islam) As a born again Christian i know that most people in the world will not be saved.Thats pretty clear from Gods Word. Christians have never been the majority. The Great commission is for born again Christians to go into ALL the earth and spread the Gospil of Christ.(ALL OF IT)We are not to kill people for the express purpose that they do not accept Christ.By the way this has nothing to do with defending yourself and your country and your family FROM killers. As Americans we must know where we stand before God.The previous scripture was from Jeremiah chapter 9 verse 6. Jeremiah chapter 10 verse 8.....vain and foolish doctrines. Jeremiah chapter 10 verse 21....Their Pastors are become brutish,and have not sought the Lord:therefore they shall not prosper,and all their flocks shall be scattered. verse 23 ,24,25....of that same chapter. O LORD I KNOW THE WAY OF MAN IS NOT IN HIMSELF:IT IS NOT IN MAN THAT WALKETH...TO DIRECT HIS STEPS. OH LORD CORRECT ME,BUT WITH JUDGEMENT NOT THINE ANGER,LEST THOU BRING ME TO NOTHING. POUR OUT THY FURY UPON THE HEATHEN THAT KNOW THEE NOT,AND UPON THE FAMILIES THAT CALL NOT ON THY NAME:FOR THEY HAVE EATEN UP JACOB,AND DEVOURED HIM,AND CONSUMED HIM,AND HAVE MADE HIS HABITATION DESOLATE. With all the deceit being spewed by so many in our great country,and to all the enemies of the one true God(christ)that are on the march in the middle east and in Russia and China,and in central America,this MUST be our prayer. Verse 9 is the answer before the question."Shall i not visit them for these things?saith the Lord:shall my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? This was an issue the Lord had with his children the nation of ISRAEL.AND MY FRIENDS HE HAS IT WITH US ALL TODAY. I am waiting for him to visit all this deceit. I believe it is already here.

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